Saturday, December 30, 2006

song of meself.

I reek of beach.

I got back from florida yesterday, and have been dreaming of the sea again. Sometimes I can hardly stand it, I want to be out there...I long for freedom, in the form of dark, groaning wood, sighing sails, and salt-encrusted rope...I long to be upon a ship.

Walt Whitman

part 52.

The spotted hawk swoops by and accuses me, he complains of my gab and my loitering.
I too am not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable,
I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.

The last scud of day holds back for me,
It flings my likeness after the rest and true as any on the shadow'd wilds,
It coaxes me to the vapor and the dusk.

I depart as air, I shake my white locks at the runaway sun,
I effuse my flesh in eddies, and drift it in lacy jags.
I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I love,

If you want me again look for me under your boot-soles.
You will hardly know who I am or what I mean,
But I shall be good health to you nevertheless,
And filter and fibre your blood.

Failing to fetch me at first keep encouraged,
Missing me one place search another,
I stop somewhere waiting for you.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Traditional English Carol

I saw three ships a-sailing
on Christmas day
on Christmas day
I saw three ships a-sailing
on Christmas day in the morning!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

christmas eve beauty

It doesn't feel like it, but it is...wonderful old Christmas eve. On this day 700 years ago, mummers would go from house to house dancing and singing and spreading cheer...why can't I be a mummer?

But today has been good. I awoke to the sun over the sea, turning the black depths to a golden peach, the grey sillohouettes of birds hunched against the cold like roman statues in some strange mystic garden. I finally got up after observing the varying shades and colors of the beauty for a few hours, took a shower, had some breakfast, then bundled up to take a walk on the beach.
Always, the first sight leaves me breathless. Rain was on its way, so to the north, bleak violet clouds gathered, contrasting like stained glass against the sea, of deepest teal and green. It was beautifully clear, and breathed and sighed upon the creamy white shores of endless sand. Farther up the beach where the buildings and shops lined the waters, the sand had gone an antique orangey-brown color from where the building materials had been drug up. Soon this beach would probably be all that color, and the buildings would only grow taller, crowding out this natural beauty.
I put my arms about my middle as I walked through the sand. With the wind winding its bitter fingers around my jaw line and cheeks, I imagined to myself that it was snow that softly crunched under my feet. It was almost real, save for the cry of the wild birds in the distance, the lovely briney scent on the breeze, and the murmured roar of the waves. I thought of past christmases, where we really did go sledding, and sat by the fire singing old, old hymns. But then I came back to the present. When I looked over my shoulder, I saw that the rain was moving our way. But it did not matter. I had seen thunderstorms' rain on the beach, and it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Dangerously beautiful even. I did not mind the water so much anyway.
My sister and mother turned back and my father and I went on. We were the only ones out there, nothing between us and the sky and horizon. Just the sand piper's that cheerfully darted between the sea's foamed fingers upon the shore, their tiny black legs constantly carrying them to and fro. Under my sand-caked sneakers as I walked, bright jewels gleamed. Bright fragments of sea shells that I sometimes bent to retrieve, keeping a friend in mind to eventually send it to. The grey ones were my favorite - the charcol, almost bluish grey with mahogany stripes, like an english boy's uniform.
My father and I walked on in silence, no need to talk, just to hunch against the wind and the light rain beginning. I pulled my knit cap down around my ears, my curls sticking out every which way. I couldn't control them, make them behave, so I left it.

It was a gorgeous sort of loneliness, without being really lonely.

We began to joke quietly, throwing out lines and scenes from movies. He pointed out different shells and told different stories, and I in turn offered my own. We came upon a piece of a child's airplane toy.
"Now this," he said, "is landing gearus specialus, very rare to this part of the country - "
"dwarf gearus specialus, obviously," I put in. We laughed. We did the same to a pair of sunglasses that had washed up too, pretending like it was some great archaelogical find. The sprinkling rain abated and left the white sand bespeckeled and pock-marked. I loved it all. This was wild, untamed. I watched as a tiny orange leaf, not bigger than my thumb was whisked toward the water, and a wave shot up, catching it, pulling it under, no different than a human hand. Yes, wild indeed.
I got within three feet of a sea-gull as he stood in the sand, pink feet mottled with purple from the cold. His black-striped wings jutted out from his body as he tried to find a good current of wind. I took another step closer and the eye with which he regarded me, I noted, was strangely dim. The bird cocked his head, and with his other eye, saw me and in a burst of feathers, took flight. He must have been blind to not notice me so close. I laughed, and the wind snatched it away.
We decided to head back, so turning around, I began looking for shells again. Some were still whole, after being thrown about in those relentless waters, and cast upon the shore. But most were shattered. There were all different sizes. I saw two fish vertebrae, creamy yellow and beautiful. I had a sudden urge to paint them, immortalize them. I walked on, and saw the pieces of trash here and there...the sunglasses, a piece of blue tarp, our landing gearus specialus...and winced and smiled at the same time. I walked along my own tracks in the sand that I had made not hardly 10 minutes ago.
I saw a mollusk shell, and was careful to pick it up and inspect it, due to its sharp edges. It was nearly paper-thin, but had a natural strenght to it. This particular piece was as long as my palm. On one side, it was a dim, murky purplish. But on the other, curled side, silvery irredescent lavenders, jades, and saphires shone forth. I had decreed as a child that this is what angels wore. Or perhaps what mermaids used to pin their hair with. I gently put it back in the sand, where it rightfully belonged. If placed on the shore just the right way, no one would bother to pick it up and see the beauty; no one would know the hidden treasure inside. I debated for a moment, and left it silver side up.

Then with a last, longing glance at the sea, I turned my back against it and the wind, and went home.

missionary talk

soo....I got accepted to be a mission's partner, despite the dispute over my age, and very soon I'll be in touch with a missionary in Eastern Europe. I won't be able to reveal exactly where, and I don't know if I'll even be able to reveal their whole name...but I am so excited! I feel like this is a step toward my own mission work in Western Europe; some pre-training, if you will.
What a blessing!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Great Scott!

The holidays are here already - I'm throwing a party tomorrow - talking to Sage and Kendrick on what will be my 'christmas day' - then leaving saturday for a 10 hour car ride for more christmas and fun at relative's - and on top of it, the poor scottsmen are runnin' out of kilts!

No really: I'm not kiddin'. Read it for yourself.

So, I've enjoyed the last couple of days...I've been doing a ton of doodling and photoshop-ping, sometimes doing three pictures a day (and trust me, that's alot). No writing, though...which is a bummer.

I obviously don't have much to say, other than life is grand - do you like the new layout? - "its a wonderful life" really is one of the best movies ever made - and christ is beautiful!

Monday, December 04, 2006

.::a hobby::.

She got up from the computer, fingers running to-and-fro at her temples, now greasy from the motion all day long. The dishes leaped into her line of half-blurred vision, and she shuffled to them. The warm soapy water and hum of the tap calmed her a little and set her thinking at a gentler pace. The cat, a great big grey tabby loafed at her ankles, and nuzzled his head into her calves. Absent-mindedly, she scritched under his chin with a dripping hand. He emitted a protest with a sharp chirp, and sauntered off, tail in the air. She took no notice, and loaded the dishes into the dishwater with mechanical movements. She forgot to turn it on, and just wandered aimlessly around her apartment. It seemed stark, and she had the sudden urge to fill it with knick-knacks that would do nothing except display her eccentric personality.

“I need a hobby,” she said aloud to no-one. She stood there in silence, as if waiting for something. Faintly, she could hear behind her the slow groan of her computer processor. “Well, I suppose I do have a hobby,” she corrected herself in a much softer, hoarser tone, shuffling back to the wretched machine to work on her novel some more. “I just want a new one that doesn’t involve so much brain-ache.”

(just more of my snapshots)

Sunday, November 26, 2006

I'm not


I've just gone boy-stark-raving-mad.

Monday, November 20, 2006

thanksgiving week

is finally here, and I am so excited! A whole week to laze around, to write, to sleep, to watch movies, to make movies, to finish photoshop projects. I bought a book for myself (I can't remember the last time I did so). It's turning out to be such a good read, as soon as I finish it, I'm lending it to my English Teacher. It's called "Octavian Nothing", recorded by "Mr. (?) T. M. Anderson". I can't give out much more than that it stretches your mind to new heights. I suggest reading a few selective texts before digging into this novel to understand it better. Texts such as Mr. Ralph Emerson's Essay "The Transcendentalist Man" (dense, but beautiful), Mr. Herman Melville's "Bartleby" (a funny, yet sad and thought-provoking satire of The Transcendentalist Man) and perhaps Mr. Nathial Hawthorne's "Scarlet Letter" (just for the heck of it).

I feel enlightened.

Tuesday is set aside to see the movie "The Prestige" with a few friends of mine. I've seen it before, but I wish to see it again. It is an amazing film. Let us propose that if movies were roller coasters, this one would be so full of twists and turns and gorgeous spirals, that my delicate stomach would surely be full of butterflies by simply observing it.

I find myself in a quandry. I do not know whether to delete my publishings on the web or leave them for my own amusement.
In time, I shall decide...

Friday, November 17, 2006

my life

has turned into one giant puzzle piece. Some things that were once there, and that I always thought would be there for and ever to support me, and love now gone. And then there are new pieces that never really quite fit, and whose color really doesn't quite match the overall picture, but they're there nontheless, to fill the gaps that need to be filled.A

nd I mustn't forgot those on the edges...the pieces of striking beauty that will never find a place into this homely, living art piece....and oh, how I so want them to be, it fills my every waking hour, despite the fact that I know it could never be.

yes, my life.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

unseen beauty

She ran a hand along her jaw line, feeling the muscles tense under her touch. There would be no talking today. Just humming. And typed words on the screen, or ink scribbled notes.
With a sigh, she sank onto her worn, navy-blue couch, white robe falling off her left shoulder. It was going to be a long day. She knew in advance. A long, lonely day. Lonely, because no one read anything of hers anymore. She understood that they had other things to do; but was she not just as busy as them? There had been no contact with them for several weeks now. And still she tried. She wasn’t able to pick up the phone and call; the electricity wasn’t always guaranteed, and then there was the stutter she had developed that sometimes froze the word she was speaking into one agonizing syllable. To express herself, to release the thoughts and feelings of her heart – her only real means of communication was through the writings. And the photographs. And the art.
They knew where it was all at; it never changed locations. And there were new, exciting things every week. But it seemed as if they no longer cared. As if she was the only one that actually gave a damn about something. They had locked her into a cell, with no means of escape. Her words were there, waiting to be read; her art was there, waiting to be stared at. And still no one came. No one wanted to know her, to love her. No one cared.

She sat there for an hour, staring off into space, the robe slipping off her shoulder, off her back. She bit her lip when her thoughts drifted away from the empty apartment, and into the past; about her last boy friend, how he would not talk to her now, because he never really loved her. There was no friendship, no loyalty, no love. Nothing. Just the blood-chilling fact that he used her, and discarded her.
She hadn’t cried about it yet.

But now, with everything weighing down upon her, she eventually succumbed to the tears that dripped down the length of her nose. She buried her face in a pillow and sobbed, gasping for air. She knew that if she cried, it would be all right. And yet she hated crying. Her jaw began to ache again, and she rubbed it slowly, methodically, as she struggled to sit up.
I need to get a grip, she thought. I can’t lose it like this.

She forced herself to take long, deep breaths, and to sit still, hugging the robe around her shivering body. After a moment, she got up and paced for a while, trying to clear her mind. It was going to be alright. Life moves on. At least your art is out there. At least you are blessed with the gift of writing.
But is it a gift or a curse?

She passed the carving of the angel her father had given her, just before he died. The creamy paint was peeling off the wings, and around the eyes of the majestic creature. She stopped before it, feeling weariness fall over her. With a last sigh, she kissed her first two fingers, and touched them to the angel’s lips. And then she disappeared into her bedroom, to create more of the beauty that no one would ever see.

Saturday, November 11, 2006



Friday, November 10, 2006


I can't believe myself sometimes. I'm such a...ditzy blonde. Or something.
Why can I not handle this?
Why is it unraveling my every cohererent thought?
I know, in my head that it won't work, but I keep saying it, and saying it to myself, and I don't understand my own logic.

I blurted it all at lunch today.
Bad news.

Now it'll be all over the school, and then he'll really find out...and where will I be?

Another LOTR parady sort of thing

This is so funny! Yay - now I know what more I could do with my free-time...(not that I have any, of course)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


heart pounding
mind racing
can’t breathe
thoughts pacing
just stay a safe distance away
and everything will be okay

I find that I could watch you
for hours upon hours...

I’ve gone so soft
watch - open me up with a butter knife
and pick apart the threads of my life

hands trembling
mouth is dry
can’t speak
only sigh
oh, please don’t meet my glance
we only met by fated chance

I find that I could watch you
for hours upon hours...

I’ve gone so soft
just open me up with a butter knife
and pick apart the threads of my life

oh, I could just watch you for hours
upon hours
upon hours

upon hours


have i mentioned

that i am slowly and agonizingly losing my mind?

"Headlock" Imogen Heap

Distant flickering, greener scenery
This weather's bringing it all back again
Great adventures, faces and condensation
I'm going outside to take it all in

You say too late to start, got your heart in a headlock
I don't believe any of it
You say too late to start, with your heart in a headlock
You know you're better than this

Wear a different pair, do something out of step
Throw a stranger an unexpected smile
With big intention, still posted at your station
Always on about the day it should have flied

You say too late to start, got your heart in a headlock
I don't believe any of it
You say too late to start, with your heart in a headlock
You know you're better than this

Afraid to start, got your heart in a headlock
I don't believe any of it
You say too late to start, with your heart in a headlock
You know you're better than this

Been walking, you've been hiding
And you look half dead half the time
Monitoring you, like machines do
You've still got it, I'm just keeping an eye

I've been walking, you've been hiding
And you look half dead half the time
Monitoring you, like machines do
You've still got it, I'm just keeping an eye
So what, don't care, will not, the end

You know you're better than this
I'll make you start, got your heart in a headlock
I don't believe any of it
You say too late to start, with your heart in a headlock
You know you're better than this

Afraid to start, got your heart in a headlock
I don't believe any of it
You say too late to start, with your heart in a headlock
You know you're better than this

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Just a summary - I'm running out of time on computer, due to homework, and the fact that I'm getting a certain unnamed person....ANYWAYS:

-I went trick or treating as a gypsey and had a blast! Pics soon!
-May be performing "Scarlet Letter: the Musical" tomorrow, but this is unsure.
-Freaking out!
-I am so 'soft' (as Jo says) its driving me nuts! I never thought of myself as 'boy crazy' but I guess I am.
-Still freaking out!
-I got in trouble today in French becuase of my water bottle today - very funny story.

-Yipes! Still freaking!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

happy halloween!

I still don't know what I'll do tonight, but most likely I'll be stuck doing homework. I'm wearing a costume either way - and I think I'm doing a full-fledged Hester Prynne outfit. I've come to really like that book. It didn't get good until about the 17th chapter, and then I fell in love with it. Books like that can be such a bother, but you can learn so much from them...'s a pic from last year's halloween.

from left to right:
me, Jack (next to me on back row), and then a friend (looking scary in his eye-liner). The on the front row, its Jack's 2 best friends, who are nick-named Baine and Kitty.

I'll get pics this can count on that. It just might be a month before I decide to upload them...hee hee!

well, 3 monkeys just walked in and I have homework to do.

Monday, October 30, 2006

ren fest pics

I finally have them all uploaded to the computer, so now its just a matter of deciding which ones are the best (even though I love them all!) and fixing them up, etc. I don't have time to post many now, but here's one for the time being.

This is a statue in one of the gardens. It's Athena, I believe; she had a quiver on her back and a bow at her side. (I haven't yet photoshopped the tubby tourists out of the background yet, I just realized. Ack, whatever.) This is probably my favorite picture currently. (and that changes from day to day, but oh well.)

from my hands...the scarlet letter

It's grainy, but you can still see it. It's an A of deep red on a field of umber (black felt, that is) which I stiched dark red thread onto it, just for looks. (that red is all rather orange...such a bother). Then I put in silver accents and such. It took me about an hour, but hey, I did well in the play, didn't I?

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The ACT...Part 4

“Do I feel joy again?” Dimmesdale marveled aloud, looking to the heavens with shining eyes. “O Hester, thou art my better angel! I seem to have flung myself down upon these forest-leaves, and to have risen up all made anew, and with new powers to glorify Him that hath been merciful! This is already the better life! Why did we not find it sooner?” He clasped my elbow, and smiled, genuinely smiled at me.
“The past is gone!” I declared in a strong voice. “Wherefore should we linger upon it now? See! With this symbol, I undo it all, and make it as it had never been!” With that, I tore the letter from my breast, and flung it away; the small ache and burden that I knew withdrew. I stood motionless as the Narrator began again, my hand still outstretched, Dimmesdale and I looking on with wonder painted on our statue-like faces at the Scarlet A.

“The mystic token alighted on the hither verge of the stream,” Emily droned. “With a hand's breadth farther flight it would have fallen into the water, and have given the little brook another woe to carry onward, besides the unintelligible tale which it kept murmuring about. But there lay the embroidered letter, glittering like a lost jewel, which some ill-fated wanderer might pick up, and thenceforth be haunted by strange phantoms of guilt, sinkings of the heart, and unaccountable misfortune.” I blinked and the brook, once alive and babbling, became Mylar plastic; the dark grass that we sat upon, carpet; the trees vanished, replaced by the awe-struck faces of my classmates. I looked to Arthur Dimmesdale, but no, he was slowly becoming Grant again. The pain had left his face, and that hidden impishness returned. The class broke into resounding applause, and as I blinked again, the class room became solid, and real beneath my feet.

“Amazing,” McIntosh said, flipping all the lights back on again. “Just amazing!” I felt my face go red, and to occupy myself, I bent to retrieve the Scarlet Letter. “It was an illusion. Your costume Maddie - ” he gestured vaguely at me “ – was so unbelievably convincing. I think it was the Letter that did it, the fact that you actually put that much time into making it.”
I nodded and stared at my feet, afraid to look at anyone.
“Man,” said Kelsey, “there was something between you guys.” She grinned a little, pointing.
“Yeah, so, you guys should so get together,” McIntosh said, and laughed. I couldn’t resist – I glanced at Grant, but he didn’t meet my eye.
“I felt like I was actually there,” Cam murmured, looking as if he had just woken from a dream. “I mean, like I was intruding. It was...real.”
The praises went on, and I felt glorious, despite the fact that I was again trembling. After a few more questions and such, the bell rang, and we were left to go to lunch; the rest of the performances would follow after. As I gathered my things, my head reeled, trying to recapture every glorious moment. When I finally sat down to lunch, weariness took over. The emotional energy I had used was quite unexpected, and because of it, I was left feeling weak, but triumphant, for here I had given myself completely over to another being, and not one of my own invention, but another man’s...and though he has long passed out of this world, his children linger to teach and love others as he would have done.
I realized then, that my fondness of the Scarlet Letter could not be denied; I was going to make one of my own. A crimson W upon a sable field...for Writer.

The ACT...Part 3

The play went on, our lines surging and drifting in some invisible tide; the emotion was rampant, and enveloped us both. I could no longer see or hear the class; I was alone with Dimmesdale, in the quiet woods, the sunlight glimmering through the trees; I was trying to heal this weak, despondent man; I was trying to show him that I loved him after all these years; and I desperately needed his strength as he did mine.

“....Dost thou not see what I would say?” I breathed. I was so close to weeping; my heart was breaking! It was against my will to unhand this information which had so wrongfully been kept from him. “That old man! – the physician, Roger Chillingworth! -- he was my husband!”
Dimmesdale sunk to his knees with a cry. “I might have known it. I did know it! Was not the secret told me in the natural recoil of my heart, at the first sight of him, and as often as I have seen him since? Why did I not understand? O Hester Prynne, thou little, little knowest all the horror of this thing!” I feared that tears would streak down his face at any moment; I watched him carefully, feeling the sharp pangs of the need to comfort him. “And the shame! – the indelicacy! -- the horrible ugliness of this exposure of a sick and guilty heart to the very eye that would gloat over it! Woman, thou art accountable for this! I cannot forgive thee!”

The last note was so bitter, I was again afraid that I would weep myself. I fell to my knees beside him, laying a firm hand at his back, fighting against the urge to fully embrace him and cry into his shoulder “Thou shalt forgive me! Let God punish! Thou shalt forgive!” Please, please! I implored silently. Arthur, you must – for the sake of our love!
He took a rattling breath, and I leaned into him. “I - I do forgive you, Hester,” he began. “May God forgive us both! We are not the worst sinners in the world. There is one worse than even the polluted priest. That old man's revenge has been blacker than my sin. He has violated, in cold blood, the sanctity of a human heart. Thou and I, Hester, never did so!”
A warm smile came to my lips. “Never, never!” I said softly, sweetly, letting my hand trickle down his arm. “What we did had a consecration of its own. We felt it so. We said so to each other. Hast thou forgotten it?”
“No; I have not forgotten,” he said, looking deep into my eyes, my soul, and then smiling a little too.

Emily broke in, and we froze, the tender love between us. “...The forest was obscure around them, and creaked with a blast that was passing through it. The boughs were tossing heavily above their heads; while one solemn old tree groaned dolefully to another, as if telling the sad story of the pair that sat beneath, or constrained to forebode evil to come.”
“Hester, here is a new horror!” Dimmesdale cried, starting forward. “Roger Chillingworth knows your purpose to reveal his true character. How am I to live longer, breathing the same air with this deadly enemy? Think for me, Hester! Thou art strong!” He clasped my hand, and startled, I nearly drew away; instead, I battled myself and let Hester speak.
“Thou must dwell no longer with this man - Thy heart must be nolonger under his evil eye!” I gave his fingers a slight squeeze, and he released me.

We were so close; every touch brought a new spark; every quavering voice shrouded us farther from the reality, and deeper into the woods, the quiet, solemn woods, our voices entwined.

The ACT...Part 2

McIntosh calmly waited for us to finally calm down, watching his students with a half-hidden air of amusement. Food was distributed: cookies, candy, bottled water, chips and French onion dip. As we all settled back to watch the performances, Emily, our narrator, volunteered us as the first group to present. Kelsey (that is, ‘my little Pearl’) threw everyone a panicked look, but rose to the area of the room designated for our stage, pulling on a magenta cloak and bonnet as she did so. The script in my hands shook uncontrollably as I found my place amongst my fellow actors. It was awkward at first, to get things set up: our painted backdrop of the woods, the log (a brown pillow), Mylar sparkling stream, the autumn leaves and red poppies strewn about the ground. After a brief argument, a few lights were turned off, to shed a shadowy effect upon us actors. In the half-dark, I cast my eyes towards Dimmesdale, and found that he had finally donned the large black cloak; my heart, (or was it Hester’s?) softened at his appearance.

We all introduced ourselves, and then our narrator began in monotone, speaking softly. I stood a little ways off with my Pearl, and after her first and last line, she skipped off to the brook to play with the flowers. Here, Dimmesdale slowly moved across the floor; I say moved and not walked, for he seemed to hover.
“Arthur Dimmesdale!” I cried. Then louder, “Arthur Dimmesdale!”
“Who speaks?” he murmured. He stopped short, and looked at me; our eyes met, and shiver crept down my spine. “Hester Prynne! Is it thou? Art thou in life?”
My transformation was complete at this stage, and I allowed my voice to match Hester’s: slightly husky, with a melancholy undertone. “Even so,” I answered him, the words flowing not from the ink and paper script, but from a much deeper source, from this separate force within me. “In such life as has been mine these seven years past. And thou, Arthur Dimmesdale, dost thou live?”

“It was no wonder that they thus questioned one another's actual and bodily existence, and even doubted of their own. Each a ghost, and awe-stricken at the other ghost,” Emily intoned. We froze at the sound of her voice, to simply make the acting interesting.
Dimmesdale stood at my right, looking upon me with a strangely piercing gaze that I found hard to meet. Slowly, he crossed behind me, to my left, almost whispering. “Hester, hast thou found peace?”
I sensed his body heat, and trembled a little more. I forced myself to smile wearily at him, as he took a seat upon the log. “Hast thou?” I asked hoarsely.
“None! – nothing but despair,” he cried, his voice breaking. I was awestruck by his emotion. “What else could I look for, being what I am, and leading such a life as mine? Were I an atheist, I might have found peace, long ere now. But, as matters stand with my soul, all of God’s gifts that were the choicest have become the ministers of spiritual torment. Hester, I am most miserable!” With that, he peered into my face, and the pain upon his features was real, and I found that it was hurting me too. I could no longer feel the nervousness; his agony seeped into me.

The ACT...Part 1

The light flutterings of my stomach suddenly intensified as I entered the familiar English Room. I was scared and excited, disheartened and blissful, losing my mind and staying sane; all the while my heart beating a wild rhythm in my ears. I try to compose myself, and I stood for a moment, staring off into space smiling slightly, and pulling my long grey woolen overcoat about my middle. Cam gave his ever-present goofy grin and a thumbs up, wishing me luck, which I returned. I looked about for one of the numerous bags I had brought over the past week or so – ones of autumn leaves, costume pieces, scarves. I at last found the one with my black skirt in it, and slipped this on over my black corduroy pants, feeling very silly as I did so. Grant waltzed over and took his clothing from the rack, avoiding my eyes all the while. I watched him as he left the room, finding that I liked the way he carried himself ; with a different sort of confidence, that set him apart, but did not make him proud, or arrogant. I pressed my cool hands to my neck as the fierce drum of my pulse began again.

At length, I found my seat and watched the rest of the class chatter. They were nervous too – I could sense it, and I was inflicted heavily by it. I tried to put up my own walls of calming colors, but the atmosphere won over, and my hands started to ever-so-slightly tremble. Grant returned, still aloof, in black slacks and worn dress shoes. In moments, as the rest of the costume was pulled together, he transformed into Reverend Dimmesdale, and his dark eyes, usually sparkling with distant thought, grew melancholy as the spirit of this broken minister descended upon him.
Mine happened too, though not in so beautiful a fashion. I couldn’t let myself go; I was reluctant to yield to the wearer of the Scarlet Letter. I hopped about the classroom, making sure the rest of my team members were properly outfitted and had their scripts. I forced myself to take another long breath, and slowly crossed the rows of desks to my own seat, the black skirt billowing around my pant legs. There, I took out my own Scarlet A, and placed it upon my breast, pinning it in place. It was strange, then, that a weight, hardly noticeable at first, settled upon my bosom and only grew in intensity the longer I wore it. I suddenly masked my face, realizing that I was exhibiting my strongest emotion: fear, and sorrow. Hester, with her gentle hands, was lifting me away from myself.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


single again.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

can't deny

i can’t deny that i still love you
simply and beautifully as a friend
and my broken confused words
won’t rhyme
no matter how hard i try
like misfit mosaics

my fingers at the keys
twiddle and flirt
between the black and white
can’t decide
what to play
can’t deny
my heart
or yours

i’m not sure how it happened
it just did
you’re hurt
i can see it clear as day
as night
it’s hurting me too

i can’t deny that i still love you
simply and beautifully as a brother
and my logic
my life-vest
won’t be found
no matter how much i search
like misfit mosaics

my fingers at the strings
pull and snap
at the mind’s threads
can’t decide
what to say
can’t deny
my heart
or yours

yet i can’t pretend that i feel okay
no can’t pretend
i simply can’t hide
from the feelings and truths within
and inside

can’t deny
my heart
or yours

Monday, October 23, 2006

ren fest and gobs of homework

I have so much homework tonight, I feel like I'll go into a coma if I think about it for too long. So of course, what am I doing? blogging. Ha ha. No surprise. I seem to think my papers will magically write themselves.

Any-hoo....I went to the RENNAISSANCE FESTIVAL this weekend, and it was so flippin' awesome! It was probably the best year yet! I went with Mum, Jack, and her two friends Alex and Devan (funny how they all have guy names, isn't it?). All three of the monkeys got incense and daggers and things. I ended buying a black cloche hat, an ocarina, a ring (it's silver and looks like a crown - I tell people that I wrestled a fairy for it!), and some tiny pewter figures that on closer inspection, are finely detailed dwarven men! *sigh* I've already picked up a couple things on the ocarina, so as soon as I figure out how, I'll mix it in with some of my more irishy tunes!

I have just a ton of photographs (that are smashing, if I do say so myself) and a couple short, stupid videos. It might take me a while, but those will be posted...soon. *dances around* Man, I had a blast!

I talked to Chad today, and he says he wants to go again (as do I) so I'm thinking of getting a big group together in a couple weekends. My only problem is finding someone to drive (as I am still laboring away to get my wretched license) but that shouldn't be too difficult.

Well, I need to get back to homework...

I bid to you,
a fond adieu,
if only for the time bein'
'cause it won't be long
afore my song
I'll be again a-singin'!

pumpkin carving

This is so flippin' awesome! Just draw, and click done! Yay!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

book idea

I'm seriously kicking around the idea of publishing a book titled 'snapshots'. It'll just be snippets out of people's lives, the longest being maybe 5 or 6 pages in length, and the shortest, a couple sentances. Its just little tastes of different things. Some will be fantasy. Some won't be. Some will be from my experiences. They aren't cyptic messages or anything, so please don't read into them - its really just all those characters in my head trying to beat the snot out my poor cerebellum!

Anyway - its just a photo albumn, of different things, to make you think; to give you the choice continue the story, or the choice to enjoy it for what it simply is.

Here's one of them - probably one of the shorter ones. But just think...and please give critique. I need to know other opinions.

.::Earl Grey Tea::.

There he was, and there he would always be, even when he passed out of her view and into another world. He’d sit in his corner with his tea, his Earl Grey, and read the paper wit his mouth pressed in a grim line. Or he’d watch people passing by on the dreary, rain-lined streets, his lips still no more than a horizontal slit. She liked to just sit and study his face. He had a perfect nose that looked as if it could have belonged to a Greek statue. And his chestnut hair was always meticulously parted at the left; his clothes, somber in hue, pressed with care. But when he spoke, and this was rare, it was as if the stern silence which he kept as his sole companion had been temporarily imprisoned behind velvet curtains; his black eyes would sparkle and a husky voice would resonate from his chest, through that mouth, sometimes with the shadowy presence of a smile. He’d talk, barely above a whisper with whoever had intruded upon his strange solitude. After a few moments, though he would lose interest in his light conversation, a poorly masked look of anguish would cross his features, and then he’d be back to sipping his tea, and reading the news, or watching those pass by outside.

For this, she loved him from afar.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Homecoming 2006

I still don't feel like writing about it, so...a picture's worth a thousand words, right?

Then here's a whole novel. (oh, and don't forget to turn up the sound.)


(Not working?

Friday the Thirteenth Ball

I was aware that I was being stared at from all sides of the room the moment I entered it. Before my identity was completely revealed, I slipped the mask over my eyes, and watched everyone warily from the cat-like slits. The wall of mirrors on the opposite side of the dance floor reflected my posture - I realized that I my shoulders were hunched, as always, around people. I straightened, and layered my face with a calm, faint smile. I saw that the group was in a large circle, and Kristen was shouting something over the din, for me to join. Jack hung back, seated, shivering, pulling out every stop of her melodramatics. I completely ignored her, for the time being. If I hung around, she turned nasty, and we didn't want that now, did we?

The music began and the dance instructors, dressed like vampires, showed us the first few steps. I realized that I was utterly lost after a couple minutes, and struggling to keep my shuffling feet moving. Then the real dance began. Every 6 steps or so, you were passed along to another fellow, standing on the inside of the circle. It was overwhelmingly frightening, awkward, and glorious. By the time I made it all the way around the circle, and the song ended, I had more fellows than before watching my every move. Some smiled from across the floor; and not unkindly. I had earned a quick reputation that only sky-rocketed as the night wore on. And my mask hid all.

How glorious an evening, to beguile, and smile, and not have to worry about a thing...I had completely changed over to an alter ego, something I am rarely allow myself to do,and it was beautiful. She filled every movement of mine with grace and eloqunce, and as long as I remained the quiet, dark, mysterious gypsey, I would not have to awaken to the bitterly confused teen buried below the pages of her other personalities.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Adams Family LOTR Parody

This is the funniest LOTR Parody I've seen in a while. (And on top of that, its clean.)

Ahhh yes....the obsession continues...

(if this doesn't work, try this: )

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


the poetry left
a bitter taste in her mouth,
and eyes,
and heart.
the worry hadn’t set in yet,
no, it hadn’t begun to ache.
she wasn’t aware that she was staring off
into space
as if to see through the wall,
as if to see out the bars
of her prison cell
and spread wings
and take flight.
the words had taken everything.
the paper had absorbed all thought.
she could hear a voice,
the whisper of the ink
upon the parchment,
telling her to take heart
in vain.
the bars were neither here
nor there
but she felt them all the same.
and the words
had taken everything.
so all she was left with
was the empty numbness
and the bitter taste in her mouth.

Monday, October 09, 2006


I've changed the template again, and I'm adding my own touches. Its a trifle ugly now, but I'll get it to where I want eventually. I'm supposed to be writing a paper about the appearance of the scaffold in the scarlet letter currently, but I don't feel like it. I have to goof off and play with (darn, trixsy) HTML first.

I'm fixing my little pic too. (I'm having lots of pic issues - I'd realy appreciate it if you didn't hot link or anything). I made a Lady of Shalott Avie, so I might just slap that up there. Gene calls me that, so ...yeah.

One of these days, I should make a list of all my nicknames. I really should.

Well, nothing much is going on today - except that its monday and I'm not at school, thanks to the lovely (if stupid, oafish, cruel, and pathetic) sailor by the name of Christopher Columbus (who was so lost he thought he was in the east indies)(and we give him the credit of being the first to have a picnic here? Sorry Mate - Vikings outran him by a couple hundred years!)

But anyway, I'm spending the day doing....chores and homework, and listening to Snow Patrol and doodling and such. Sounds fun, right?

I'v eventually get homecoming things posted: the pics are on the 'puter, I just don't feel the need to write a 7 page story on it. Exciting, yes, but only if you were really there.
Ack, whatever.

I'm supposed to call Gene anyway...we're off to a picnic. *sighs* I'm trying to pick myself up, but its hard. Its just so nice to have Abba with his celestial spatula to scrape his weird and whiny kids off the sidewalk.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

a letter

She sat with her head in her hands, the stack of books leaning against the headboard of her bed. Every now and then her wandering eyes would flicker toward them, and then consequently flicker across the room, as if the sight pained her. Her breast heaved with a long-winded sigh, and she slouched back onto her grey corduroy overcoat. She grasped it in both hands, white-knuckled, as if it were a life-vest, and her own quilt upon her bed was the dark churning sea. Her eyes still roved about her room, more generously though, now that the books weren’t in her line of vision. She wanted freedom. Oh, she wanted it so badly, it hurt her. It was a low pain in her gut, growing by the hour, by the minute, as the seconds ticked; she desired nothing more than to speak without the muscles of her own mouth rebelling against her; to write her cynical little heart out; to say what she really meant instead of having to twist and torture every sentence into something that was socially acceptable; and how the list went on...

At great length she strained to sit forward. It was becoming nearly unbearable. The urge to put her thoughts on paper, or even put them to use, was strangling her. Slowly tottering to both feet as if she were decades older, she walked bent, bones creaking, searching for a slip of blank paper and a non ink-splattered pen. When she came upon a sheet of water-color parchment, with only a small doodle several months old of a rusted key, a hungry look came over her face; a hungry but also somewhat joyous look, for here was a small taste of reprieve at long, long last.

“I'm glad you wrote back,” she began in a heavy, fervent hand. After a pause, and unconsciously gnawing on the pen cap, she continued in an apologetic fashion. “I really am. I'm just feeling oddly bitter for no reason what-so-ever, and I have a tendency to want to tear things apart, piece by piece, as if I'm doing some excruciating anatomy cross-section, and oh God, I know I'm terrible. I still have hours of work ahead of me so I really can't explain wanting to write to you at the moment, but I do want to, so here I am, muttering away and making no sense.” She stopped again, and glanced at the books with a silent wince. She made a jerky movement as if to scratch out everything she had just written, but fought against the urge and went on. “Peter, dear, I've been thinking, and maybe I'll wake up; maybe my brain will re-wire itself (it does every now and then, you know) but I honestly don't know if we're right for each other. I mean, I love you dearly, and I feel like I've said this sentence a hundred thousand times over the past century, but I really think it might be healthier if we were just friends. And I do quite realize that those are the words that can haunt a fellow for days, and I'm sorry for saying them, but its true. Maybe I am half out of my mind. And just maybe I'm not.
But the truth is, I love you, and I want the best. For both of us. Even if that means taking a step back.”
And it was here that she burst into tears, and finished the letter with, “I do love you, don't ever doubt that...” but it was too much. With trembling hands, she ripped the words to shreds, and watched them fall to her floor, like bleeding snow flakes. Then with no restraint what-so-ever, she succumbed to her tears, and watched the deepening shadows on her apartment walls as night fell all around.

Monday, October 02, 2006


Another hour trickling past
Another week slipped into memory’s vaults
Clichéd sands of time
flowing through my fingers
and grating against my skin
raw with tears and sweat

light a candle
don’t let it blow out

Another face I’ll never see ever again
Fables are ruining this life
can’t you learn the lesson yourself
no, its all snappy sentences
just all pocket-sized morals

Its all going by so fast
merry-go-round, won’t you slow down?
I gotta take time to breathe
and make it all last

light a candle
don’t let it blow out
observe the world around you
just this once

oh, go on, go on, why don’t you

Another hour trickling past
Another week slipped into memory’s vaults
Clichéd sands of time
flowing through my fingers
and grating against my skin
raw with woe and fret

And it’s all going by so fast, so fast
merry-go-round, won’t you slow down?
I gotta take time to breathe
and make it last

a new song I'm currently working on....

Saturday, September 30, 2006


The game was great! I am so glad I went. For the first twenty minutes, I couldn't pay attention to any one thing, becuase I was so overwhelmed by all the people. It was like I was trapped between sleep and waking, with my mind making strange, distant observations, and the cacophony of voices pressing upon my ears. But then I got used to it, and steadily got into the actual game. It wasn't until half-time that I actually understood what was going on, but that was fine with me. I didn't particularly care for the details of who had the ball, and who was winning: my favorite bits were the 'fifty-man pile-up' as I called it, where half the team tried to tackle one little fellow. Just hysterical! They move like disproportionate ballerinas, with the same sort of smooth, liquid grace, but instead of the artistic sense bleeding into every flick of muscle, pure human energy fueled it.
I can't wait to go to the homecoming next year.

I went with Chad and Paul, and had a BLAST. I taught Chad how to 'yawp' and it was great! He went hoarse even before half-time, so his yawp wasn't as good as mine (but who cane beat mine, anyway?) and I got lots of funny looks, interrupting the mustang chants with my barbaric war cry. Oh, how I loved it, belting my heart out into the dark night air with no restraint.

The bands were phenomenal - the Ganders (from Baytown: our arch-enemy) played a few swing songs, and I just couldn't resist - I got up and danced. This earned me several more looks and a few even called me down; why was I supporting the enemy? Our band is better!

Our band, indeed, was good - they were 3 times the size of the Ganders, and had some spectacular formations as they marched. an addictive fever.
"catch it at the game," they say. And I did.

I snapped away with my new beautiful hunk of software, and during half-time the battery went ka-put, which was a shame. Of course, I had played with it for almost 3 hours the day before. Oh well.

All in all, I had a wonderful time, and I am sooo pumped about the dance tonight. I hope they play actual 1940's music (that's our theme, you know) becuase its something you can actually dance to.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Carpe Diem

What a week, what a weeek! Besides the fact that I actually just forgot like half of it, sitting here in the warm glow of the lovely computer screen, I know somehow that it was fun. *nods sagely*

Yesterday (ooh! I remembered!) I went to the mall and I got all the homecoming stuff - an adorable black dress and shoes and a
And then I didn't finish my homework becuase I was taking pictures of EVERYTHING. It's so awesome....I love it. Tonight is the football game, so it will be used, and then tomorrow is the dance...and then sunday is "zombie day".
*dances around*
I still can't believe I own a real digital camera. I've been saving for almost 2 years now. Its the most beautiful thing...all silvery...and square-ish....

I haven't taken anything note-worthy (and I still have no clue how to hook it up to the computer) so no photographs for now, but there will be some later, I promise.

Speaking of photographs, I was looking through some old ones, and came across one of my favorites. When I become an author/graphic-artist, living alone in my swank little apartment with my kitties, I'll have this framed in my office. Seriously, I will. (along with 20 others of the same sort, of course).
That way I won't ever forget that life is too short to get caught up in work, and to go have fun every once in a while.

This, in essence, is "Carpe Diem".

Friday, September 22, 2006

I plopped down on the couch

in a state of mental agony. I wanted to burst into tears. They had given me so much hope, only to snatch it away, and stomp all over it, shattering even the fragments to prevent it from being resurected....again.
Drama aside,
I'm not allowed to drop Chemistry.

My parents are fine with it - I explained in my best philosophic manner that my workload was getting the better of me, and that by sixth period, I was literally falling asleep where I stood. By eliminating Chemistry, I would not only have my workload lessened a great deal, but I would also have a free hour to myself in the Library or as a teacher's aide to rid myself of the sleepy-plague.
And I wouldn't be dropping it entirely, either: I could pick it up again as a senior, and be able to give it my best shot.

Sounds water-tight doesn't it?

Not to my counselor, obviously. The woman didn't call or email my parents to let them know the plan. A whole mess ensued; its far too complicated and boring to write about, but long story short, I'll supposedly fail the TAKS test if I don't take a 'proper science' even though I'm already taking Psychology!

When I heard the news, I wandered aimlessly around the house, thinking thinking, and when I came to, I found that I was gulping down the chocolate my hands had found - the m&m's in a bowl by the door. I downed a couple more, and since I was already on a junk-food drive, I got out a can of pringles and a Dr. Pepper, and plopped down in front of the computer, Coldplay blaring.

Ah, well.
The perfect end to an oh-so perfect Friday.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Disciple Now

this year was pretty good. Its kind of like a camp, but you stay at people's houses (called host homes) for three days, and even spend the night there. It started just a few days after I returned from Wichita, so I barely had time to catch my breath. (And then the next day after D-now, School began. Craziness!)

The theme was "Hold". Hold the hand that holds the world.

I was a little apprehensive about having to spend 2 whole days in the constant company of, let's just say, people that are all so much like each other, and nothing like me. A few try to reach out to my lost world, for which I am greatful for. But the truth is, we're just not on the same wavelength.

There was the traditional - "Why don't you talk more?" questions; the puzzled looks at my irrepressible thirst for solitude; the indirect way of poking bitter fun down my throat; and then the "let's straighten your hair!" party.

While I did enjoy myself, and I even found some people in other grades who are geeky like yours truly, I still came away from my 'host-home' feeling 'totally un-bonded'.

I try not to be bitter about it, but sometimes I can't help it.

What was amazing though, was that I got closer to the Lord. He put so many things in perspective for me, and laid it on my heart to be a missionary for Europe (specifically England and France). People don't usually go on mission there, because of the country's vast history of church, but the cold truth is that their population is dwindling, and many of them are turning to Islam for help. This breaks my heart. I love the lore and the language and the art and the music and the people and and and....
I love it all, and I so want to do everything within my power to help them to see the light of Christ!

Late at night, God and I giggle over plans. We have so much fun...its just awesome.

Here's a picture. See if you can spot me....(with my straight-hair and make-up...tee-heee!)

(and I DO have a matching shirt on- I'm not that much of an anarchist - but it was cold in the sanctuary)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

September 19th

The basics

Ahoy! - "Hello!"

Avast! - Stop and give attention. It can be used in a sense of surprise, "Whoa! Get a load of that!" which today makes it more of a "Check it out" or "No way!" or "Get off!"

Aye! - "Why yes, I agree most heartily with everything you just said or did."

Aye aye! - "I'll get right on that sir, as soon as my break is over."

Arrr! - This one is often confused with arrrgh, which is of course the sound you make when you sit on a belaying pin. "Arrr!" can mean, variously, "yes," "I agree," "I'm happy," "I'm enjoying this beer," "My team is going to win it all," "I saw that television show, it sucked!" and "That was a clever remark you or I just made." And those are just a few of the myriad possibilities of Arrr!

Advanced pirate lingo; or On beyond “Aarrr!”
Once you've mastered the basics, you're ready to start expanding your pirate vocabulary. Try these for starters:

Beauty – The best possible pirate address for a woman. Always preceded by “me,” as in, “C’mere, me beauty,” or even, “me buxom beauty,” to one particularly well endowed. You’ll be surprised how effective this is.

Bilge rat – The bilge is the lowest level of the ship. It’s loaded with ballast and slimy, reeking water. A bilge rat, then, is a rat that lives in the worst place on the ship.
On TLAP Day – A lot of guy humor involves insulting your buddies to prove your friendship. It’s important that everyone understand you are smarter, more powerful and much luckier with the wenches than they are. Since bilge rat is a pretty dirty thing to call someone, by all means use it on your friends.

Bung hole – Victuals on a ship were stored in wooden casks. The stopper in the barrel is called the bung, and the hole is called the bung hole. That’s all. It sounds a lot worse, doesn’t it?
On TLAP Day – When dinner is served you’ll make quite an impression when you say, “Well, me hearties, let’s see what crawled out of the bung hole.” That statement will be instantly followed by the sound of people putting down their utensils and pushing themselves away from the table. Great! More for you!

Grog – An alcoholic drink, usually rum diluted with water, but in this context you could use it to refer to any alcoholic beverage other than beer, and we aren’t prepared to be picky about that, either. Call your beer grog if you want. We won’t stop you! Water aboard ship was stored for long periods in slimy wooden barrels, so you can see why rum was added to each sailor’s water ration – to kill the rancid taste.
On TLAP Day – Drink up, me hearties! And call whatever you’re drinking grog if you want to. If some prissy pedant purses his lips and protests the word grog can only be used if drinking rum and water, not the Singapore Sling you’re holding, keelhaul him!

Hornpipe – Both a single-reeded musical instrument sailors often had aboard ship, and a spirited dance that sailors do. We're no professors on the subject, by any means...

Lubber – (or land lubber) This is the seaman’s version of land lover, mangled by typical pirate disregard for elocution. A lubber is someone who does not go to sea, who stays on the land.
On TLAP Day – More likely than not, you are a lubber 364 days of the year. But not if you’re talking like a pirate! Then the word lubber becomes one of the more fierce weapons in your arsenal of piratical lingo. In a room where everyone is talking like pirates, lubber is ALWAYS an insult.

Smartly – Do something quickly.
On TLAP Day – “Smartly, me lass,” you might say when sending the bar maid off for another round. She will be so impressed she might well spit in your beer.

Want more Piratie-ness?

Monday, September 18, 2006

Life Explained

"On the first day, God created the dog and said:
"Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I will give you a life span of twenty years."
The dog said: "That's a long time to be barking. How about only ten years, And I'll give you back the other ten?"
So God agreed.
On the second day, God created the monkey and said: "Entertain people, do tricks, and make them laugh. For this, I'll give you a twenty-year life span."
The monkey said: "Monkey tricks for twenty years? That's a pretty long time to perform. How about I give you back ten like the Dog did?"
And God agreed.
On the third day, God created the cow and said: "You must go into the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer's family. For this, I will give you a life span of sixty years."
The cow said: "That's kind of a tough lifeYou want me to live for sixty years. How about twenty and I'll give back the other forty?"
And God agreed again.
On the fourth day, God created man and said:"Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life.For this, I'll give you twenty years."
But man said: "Only twenty years?Could you possibly give me my twenty, the forty the cow gave back, the ten the monkey gave back, and the ten the dog gave back; That makes eighty, okay?"
"Okay," said God, "You asked for it."

So that is why the first twenty years we eat, sleep, play and enjoy ourselves.For the next forty years we slave in the sun to support our family.For the next ten years we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren.And for the last ten years we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.

Life has now been explained to you... "

Saturday, September 16, 2006

"Spitting Games" - Snow Patrol

I broke into your house last night
And left a note at your bedside
I'm far too shy to speak to you at school
You leave me numb and I'm not sure why

I find it easier to sit and stare
Than push my limbs out towards you right there
My heart is bursting in your perfect eyes
As blue as oceans and as pure as skies

I struggle for the words and then give up

My heads up with the birds on the t-hut
A little piece of mind that I know better
Than the plain disgrace of all my letters

But after that the floodgates opened up
And I fell in love with everyone I saw
Please take your time I'm not in any rush
And it's in everything I ever write

It's not as if I need the extra weight
Confused enough by life so thanks a lot
Lonely written words for company
Just raise the roof this once and follow me

I struggle for the words and then give up

My heads up with the birds on the t-hut
A little piece of mind that I know better
Than the plain disgrace of all my letters

Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday the fifteenth

has been...okay. I had a Pep rally today, which was exciting. I haven't had one since my freshman year.
School Spirit is so much fun!

I have decided to go to the Homecoming game and Dance after all. What the heck - I've never been to a football game in my life, and I might as well go to a dance. But this time, I'm going with a big group of friends so that way No One gets left feeling left out or anything. And then afterward, we should go to Denny's and have breakfast, at 2 AM!

Tonight is a girl's lock-in (I wish we did guys and girls, like in CABC - I don't have a lot of female friends. Pooh.) I have pranks and hysteria planned. My mum is attending as a chaperon though, so I must behave myself - to a point.
(It takes all the fun out of a youth retreat if yer mum's there, doesn't it? She did this to me at camp too.)

Topic change:
I got to look at college stuff the other day. Come to find out WSU has classes and majors and happiness in creative writing, graphic design, art, and music.

(I wanna go off to WSU so badly [and major in graphic design], its nearly killing me! I may sound like the average whiny teen, but I WANT independance!)

*clears throat*
Topic change again:
So I'm looking forward to my weekend. Despite the planned lack of sleep I'll be getting, everything seems Hunky-Dory.

I don't know why I'm so happy-go-lucky lately; I have NO reason what-so-ever to be. Must be those darn Hormones again. And God smiling on me.

Well, I'm glad to know I'm doing something right...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Flour - cont'd

My children were named after the twins in the Shakespearian play, Twelth Night: Sebastian and Viola (perhaps better known as her male name, Cesario). Above is Sebastian exploring the great outdoors, and making friends with dear old Gaffer, my gnome.

I never though a sack of flour was ever particularly cute, but Sebastian sure was...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Flour in Psychology

I had a project all last week - maybe I told you about it. It's where we had to take care of a "baby". (In my case, "babies". Plural.) For seven days, one had to carry around with them everywhere they went (and I do mean everywhere) a 10 lb sack of flour.
Now, I was a special case - becuase every store within my town's vicinity was sold out of 10 lb. flour, I magically had two 5lb. twins.

I found them quite the nuisance at first; these heavy, mute, so-called children that I had to balance on my hip with my stack of books I also carry. There were several occasions where, when I finally reached my desk in my class and set everything down, my hands were shaking too badly for me to write my own name correctly.

But then, as their bland paper-covering called for attention and a personality, we began to get quite attached....

Before I go typing for hours, I shall post a picture of a 'fun family outing'. I have homework to be working on. More is coming, this I swear.

Last night's paper

was a struggle.
And a religious experience.

I wrote an entire analytical essay in close to 3 hours. That, ladies and gents, is a new record. No, no, hold the applause. It was nothing.
*grins wearily*
Actually, its by the grace of God alone that I'm in GT (it was a mistake on my transcript, and its been the best mistake ever made in my life!) and that I had the consciousness to write my paper at 11:30.

While working on it, Paul called, and we talked (I supposedly have a surprise for me Saturday Night. I can't wait) and then Rachel telephoned hardly 15 minutes later and we talked for a while - just hearing her happy lifted my spirits a great deal.

I am weighed down with stress and homework, but it feels barely velcroed. I have this peace in my mind and while I sense that my body is exhausted from the small sleeping hours I've been keeping, I don't really feel it. My mind is clear. And its lovely.

Well, long story short, I finished my paper, turned it in online around midnight, got 5 hours of sleep and off I went again.
It has been a day.

English was great, though. My teacher (who will remain unnamed) (and,, he's a whole 'nother post's subject matter *grins sheepishly*) was all grins and giggles. He had way too much fun at Open House last night. I read his post on his website, and he sarcastically claimed he was going to wear a Tux. How funny.

Today, he delcared he was pregnant.

I nearly passed out from laughing.

Then my beloved class somehow got onto the topic of Benjamen Franklin (we're reading his autobiography sort of thing). And oh man, one joke after another!
Apparently Franklin was a "ladies man"and had something like 80 illegitamate children. (Probably rumors, but still...yech.) Then, this is how he died:
he liked being naked, so he used to walk around his house like that, sometimes with the windows open and he caught pnemonia and died.
Then a kid across the room goes - "That's how you catch pnemonia?!" with a look on his face of mock-guilt.
The constant stream of giggles burst into gales of laughter.

I have SO found my niche in the high school world. And its euphoria.

Monday, September 11, 2006

This is my third post

I'm sensing a trend here...

I'll stop. I promise.

I had to add something:
the title of my Blog, Melomane is french for music-lover. I thought that was far too spiffy to pass up, so here it is.

Now back to the show.

This is my second post.

So its 4 o'clock and I have an essay due tomorrow that's hardly even started...and I can't even really begin it because I've been sentanced to the laptop (which is now battling for space on my tiny desk - I have too many little wizard and pirate plastic figures, not to mention my dried herbs and flowers, scrolled wooden boxes, movie ticket stubs, and random inky pens). Ah, much better. A french magazine is on the floor now, along with the boxes and pens.

Well, it's been an interesting day. Not only is it monday ("Sunday's Hangover" as I heard described today - too funny) but it's also Septemer. And the eleventh.

It took me some time to pinpoint the cause of my, lets just say, past issues, and you know what? It all links back to that fateful day of terrorism. No joke. The airline industry took a major dive. Now who did that affect? Hundred upon hundreds of Boeing, learjet, and Cessna workers.
Meaning my family.

And then the stress of moving (caused by this) played a huge role in my afore-mentioned *cough cough EMO cough* issues.
So anyway....

I really don't know why I have a blog. I mean, they're pretty darn pointless.
*mimiking voice* "Oooh, look at me - I can write about life! You must read me!"
yeah, sure.

I have resolved, though (and you may be proud) to post more of my favorite quotes and bible verses and things like that. A blog should be an encouragement to others who stumble across it, not just a place where an intellectual being upon the planet earth vents about a rotten day.
That's sickening.
And while I do realize I'm quite guilty of doing such, I don't want to do it anymore.

I also promise more pictures. Finch's nest is primary my (lazy) artwork, but this is for the pics I take, at, say a party. Or to illustrate some point I'm making.


I can't promise that I won't vent (I'm a teenage girl for heaven's sake: its what I' programmed to do!) but I'm just going to cut down. There are many many many ways of taking out my frustration then typing my life away.

just wanted to clear that up.

Now this is the end of my second post.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

This is my first post.


I do apologize for the curtness, but I'm utterly swamped with homework. Perhaps later this evening I'll write more.


Order of the Phoenix Soundtrack

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