Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Friday the Thirteenth Ball

I was aware that I was being stared at from all sides of the room the moment I entered it. Before my identity was completely revealed, I slipped the mask over my eyes, and watched everyone warily from the cat-like slits. The wall of mirrors on the opposite side of the dance floor reflected my posture - I realized that I my shoulders were hunched, as always, around people. I straightened, and layered my face with a calm, faint smile. I saw that the group was in a large circle, and Kristen was shouting something over the din, for me to join. Jack hung back, seated, shivering, pulling out every stop of her melodramatics. I completely ignored her, for the time being. If I hung around, she turned nasty, and we didn't want that now, did we?

The music began and the dance instructors, dressed like vampires, showed us the first few steps. I realized that I was utterly lost after a couple minutes, and struggling to keep my shuffling feet moving. Then the real dance began. Every 6 steps or so, you were passed along to another fellow, standing on the inside of the circle. It was overwhelmingly frightening, awkward, and glorious. By the time I made it all the way around the circle, and the song ended, I had more fellows than before watching my every move. Some smiled from across the floor; and not unkindly. I had earned a quick reputation that only sky-rocketed as the night wore on. And my mask hid all.

How glorious an evening, to beguile, and smile, and not have to worry about a thing...I had completely changed over to an alter ego, something I am rarely allow myself to do,and it was beautiful. She filled every movement of mine with grace and eloqunce, and as long as I remained the quiet, dark, mysterious gypsey, I would not have to awaken to the bitterly confused teen buried below the pages of her other personalities.

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