Friday, September 22, 2006

I plopped down on the couch

in a state of mental agony. I wanted to burst into tears. They had given me so much hope, only to snatch it away, and stomp all over it, shattering even the fragments to prevent it from being resurected....again.
Drama aside,
I'm not allowed to drop Chemistry.

My parents are fine with it - I explained in my best philosophic manner that my workload was getting the better of me, and that by sixth period, I was literally falling asleep where I stood. By eliminating Chemistry, I would not only have my workload lessened a great deal, but I would also have a free hour to myself in the Library or as a teacher's aide to rid myself of the sleepy-plague.
And I wouldn't be dropping it entirely, either: I could pick it up again as a senior, and be able to give it my best shot.

Sounds water-tight doesn't it?

Not to my counselor, obviously. The woman didn't call or email my parents to let them know the plan. A whole mess ensued; its far too complicated and boring to write about, but long story short, I'll supposedly fail the TAKS test if I don't take a 'proper science' even though I'm already taking Psychology!

When I heard the news, I wandered aimlessly around the house, thinking thinking, and when I came to, I found that I was gulping down the chocolate my hands had found - the m&m's in a bowl by the door. I downed a couple more, and since I was already on a junk-food drive, I got out a can of pringles and a Dr. Pepper, and plopped down in front of the computer, Coldplay blaring.

Ah, well.
The perfect end to an oh-so perfect Friday.

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