Saturday, September 30, 2006


The game was great! I am so glad I went. For the first twenty minutes, I couldn't pay attention to any one thing, becuase I was so overwhelmed by all the people. It was like I was trapped between sleep and waking, with my mind making strange, distant observations, and the cacophony of voices pressing upon my ears. But then I got used to it, and steadily got into the actual game. It wasn't until half-time that I actually understood what was going on, but that was fine with me. I didn't particularly care for the details of who had the ball, and who was winning: my favorite bits were the 'fifty-man pile-up' as I called it, where half the team tried to tackle one little fellow. Just hysterical! They move like disproportionate ballerinas, with the same sort of smooth, liquid grace, but instead of the artistic sense bleeding into every flick of muscle, pure human energy fueled it.
I can't wait to go to the homecoming next year.

I went with Chad and Paul, and had a BLAST. I taught Chad how to 'yawp' and it was great! He went hoarse even before half-time, so his yawp wasn't as good as mine (but who cane beat mine, anyway?) and I got lots of funny looks, interrupting the mustang chants with my barbaric war cry. Oh, how I loved it, belting my heart out into the dark night air with no restraint.

The bands were phenomenal - the Ganders (from Baytown: our arch-enemy) played a few swing songs, and I just couldn't resist - I got up and danced. This earned me several more looks and a few even called me down; why was I supporting the enemy? Our band is better!

Our band, indeed, was good - they were 3 times the size of the Ganders, and had some spectacular formations as they marched. an addictive fever.
"catch it at the game," they say. And I did.

I snapped away with my new beautiful hunk of software, and during half-time the battery went ka-put, which was a shame. Of course, I had played with it for almost 3 hours the day before. Oh well.

All in all, I had a wonderful time, and I am sooo pumped about the dance tonight. I hope they play actual 1940's music (that's our theme, you know) becuase its something you can actually dance to.

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