Monday, September 11, 2006

This is my second post.

So its 4 o'clock and I have an essay due tomorrow that's hardly even started...and I can't even really begin it because I've been sentanced to the laptop (which is now battling for space on my tiny desk - I have too many little wizard and pirate plastic figures, not to mention my dried herbs and flowers, scrolled wooden boxes, movie ticket stubs, and random inky pens). Ah, much better. A french magazine is on the floor now, along with the boxes and pens.

Well, it's been an interesting day. Not only is it monday ("Sunday's Hangover" as I heard described today - too funny) but it's also Septemer. And the eleventh.

It took me some time to pinpoint the cause of my, lets just say, past issues, and you know what? It all links back to that fateful day of terrorism. No joke. The airline industry took a major dive. Now who did that affect? Hundred upon hundreds of Boeing, learjet, and Cessna workers.
Meaning my family.

And then the stress of moving (caused by this) played a huge role in my afore-mentioned *cough cough EMO cough* issues.
So anyway....

I really don't know why I have a blog. I mean, they're pretty darn pointless.
*mimiking voice* "Oooh, look at me - I can write about life! You must read me!"
yeah, sure.

I have resolved, though (and you may be proud) to post more of my favorite quotes and bible verses and things like that. A blog should be an encouragement to others who stumble across it, not just a place where an intellectual being upon the planet earth vents about a rotten day.
That's sickening.
And while I do realize I'm quite guilty of doing such, I don't want to do it anymore.

I also promise more pictures. Finch's nest is primary my (lazy) artwork, but this is for the pics I take, at, say a party. Or to illustrate some point I'm making.


I can't promise that I won't vent (I'm a teenage girl for heaven's sake: its what I' programmed to do!) but I'm just going to cut down. There are many many many ways of taking out my frustration then typing my life away.

just wanted to clear that up.

Now this is the end of my second post.

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