Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Last night's paper

was a struggle.
And a religious experience.

I wrote an entire analytical essay in close to 3 hours. That, ladies and gents, is a new record. No, no, hold the applause. It was nothing.
*grins wearily*
Actually, its by the grace of God alone that I'm in GT (it was a mistake on my transcript, and its been the best mistake ever made in my life!) and that I had the consciousness to write my paper at 11:30.

While working on it, Paul called, and we talked (I supposedly have a surprise for me Saturday Night. I can't wait) and then Rachel telephoned hardly 15 minutes later and we talked for a while - just hearing her happy lifted my spirits a great deal.

I am weighed down with stress and homework, but it feels barely velcroed. I have this peace in my mind and while I sense that my body is exhausted from the small sleeping hours I've been keeping, I don't really feel it. My mind is clear. And its lovely.

Well, long story short, I finished my paper, turned it in online around midnight, got 5 hours of sleep and off I went again.
It has been a day.

English was great, though. My teacher (who will remain unnamed) (and, well...no, he's a whole 'nother post's subject matter *grins sheepishly*) was all grins and giggles. He had way too much fun at Open House last night. I read his post on his website, and he sarcastically claimed he was going to wear a Tux. How funny.

Today, he delcared he was pregnant.

I nearly passed out from laughing.

Then my beloved class somehow got onto the topic of Benjamen Franklin (we're reading his autobiography sort of thing). And oh man, one joke after another!
Apparently Franklin was a "ladies man"and had something like 80 illegitamate children. (Probably rumors, but still...yech.) Then, this is how he died:
he liked being naked, so he used to walk around his house like that, sometimes with the windows open and he caught pnemonia and died.
Then a kid across the room goes - "That's how you catch pnemonia?!" with a look on his face of mock-guilt.
The constant stream of giggles burst into gales of laughter.

I have SO found my niche in the high school world. And its euphoria.

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