Tuesday, October 24, 2006

can't deny

i can’t deny that i still love you
simply and beautifully as a friend
and my broken confused words
won’t rhyme
no matter how hard i try
like misfit mosaics

my fingers at the keys
twiddle and flirt
between the black and white
can’t decide
what to play
can’t deny
my heart
or yours

i’m not sure how it happened
it just did
you’re hurt
i can see it clear as day
as night
it’s hurting me too

i can’t deny that i still love you
simply and beautifully as a brother
and my logic
my life-vest
won’t be found
no matter how much i search
like misfit mosaics

my fingers at the strings
pull and snap
at the mind’s threads
can’t decide
what to say
can’t deny
my heart
or yours

yet i can’t pretend that i feel okay
no can’t pretend
i simply can’t hide
from the feelings and truths within
and inside

can’t deny
my heart
or yours

1 comment:

Melle said...

yeah well...*grumble grumble* whatever.

Order of the Phoenix Soundtrack

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