Sunday, May 13, 2007


I took the first swim of the season yesterday. It was cool at first, but as I wriggled my way through the clear-as-crystal waters, muscles frantically working to remember the patterns from last summer, I gradually became used to it and it felt as warm as my skin. I found my swim-fins - the kind that people scuba dive with, and slowly paddled around with those. I know its ridiculous to have a small, 6-foot deep pool and be wearing gear such as that, but I am ridiculous.

I also saw spider-man three today, for mother's day. What an adventure! I thought it was fantastic. All this comic-book buisness is beginning to grow on me. My sister and I are seriously thinking about starting a series. We both have our characters and story outlines, now all that remains is to organize a little more and start sketching. I can't disclose any more information...I'm afraid the rest is a surprise.

Currently, I am listening to 'New Order' (a new fave) and struggling with the idiocies of chemistry. I have a week left, and if I can keep from drowning, an exemption form is mine. If not, I am sentanced to a very nasty exam as an unfun end of school year celebration. The same goes for math. I'll be estatic if I graduate with anything resembling a C. School is seriously depressing me. I'm under a ton of stress, and I'm sick to top it all off.
Oh bother, bother, bother.
I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*hugs* Poor Madzid. You, Rachel, and I, what a trio. I think Rachel's dropped (if even possible for her) weight in the past couple of months. You and I are both sick and attempting for C's in math, I'm sleeping more than I ought to and still waking up tired, and you're falling apart from stress. Yup, and we're supposed to save a made up world. Poor world, it didn't stand a chance. LOL -Jo

Order of the Phoenix Soundtrack

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