getting close to the end,
Seven weeks or so of school left. This will be my last actually decent year, 'cause next year, I won't have hardly a school. The construction is going to get really bad, and they're taking away most of our breaks.
I'll probably have to hospitalized for insanity half-way through.
I wouldn't be surprised.
I'm still trying to figure out all the college stuff.
I'm going to stuck here for seven years.
*sighs* Unless I somehow make enough money as an author and can afford to live in a flat home on sweetly, just myself and my cats and computers.
I'm listening to some spiffy 80's austrailian rock-opera music. It's flippin' awesome.....Want to hear it? Yes?
The group is called Split Enz. I have a growing fondness for them. They're pretty cool. That song probably isn't their best, but I really like it.
Well, I had to present a poem to the class today: the Darkling Thrush by Thomas Hardy (my new favorite!) I was the first one to go, so I trembled from head to toe so badly that I thought I would faint. But otherwise, I did alright. I painted a picture of a bird in a snowy tree, and tacked up behind me. I was dressed in 1910'ish clothing (-ish being the key word). So, I'm hoping my props will make up for my horrific acting.
Still thinking about publishing something. I don't know about novel (I'm almost ADD when it comes to long stretches of literature, you know) so I'll just do a collection of vignettes and short stories.
Hmmm. Yes.
Thinking aloud.